By sourcing Better Cotton and cotton-containing products as Better Cotton, organisations create the demand for more sustainably grown cotton, creating further incentives for cotton farmers to adopt more sustainable farming practices and secure a better future for cotton.
What is Better Cotton’s Chain of Custody?
In its Chain of Custody Models and Definitions guide, ISEAL defines a chain of custody as: The custodial sequence that occurs as ownership or control of the material supply is transferred from one custodian to another in the supply chain.
From the farmers who grow Better Cotton to the companies that source it, the Better Cotton Chain of Custody (CoC) is the documentation and evidence of Better Cotton as it moves through the supply chain, connecting Better Cotton supply with demand.
The auditable CoC requirements for organisations buying and selling Better Cotton within the supply chain are set in the Better Cotton Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard v1.0. The CoC Standard is a revised version of the Better Cotton CoC Guidelines v1.4. Introduced in May 2023, it initiated a transition period for our supply chains to adhere to the new CoC Standard by May 2025.
The CoC Standard allows organisations to implement one or a combination of four different CoC Models, enabling the sourcing of two types of Better Cotton – Mass Balance and Physical (also known as Traceable) Better Cotton.
What is the difference between Mass Balance and Physical CoC Models?
From October 2023, Better Cotton supply chains can implement either Mass Balance or Physical CoC Models: Segregation (single country), Segregation (multi-country) or Controlled Blending.
Mass Balance and Physical CoC Models have different requirements for how Better Cotton or products containing Better Cotton are stored, transported, and processed within the supply chain. The chosen Chain of Custody Model will also determine whether the end products are traceable to their country of origin or not. To find out more, select:
The Better Cotton Platform
The Better Cotton Platform (BCP) is an online system used only by Better Cotton and registered supply chain organisations that buy, sell or source Better Cotton or cotton-containing products as Better Cotton. The aim of the platform is to act as an online database where supply chain actors can enter and monitor transactions for Mass Balance and/or Physical Better Cotton, and Better Cotton can verify the volumes of Better Cotton sourced in the supply chain.
The BCP enables suppliers and manufacturers to show customers how much Better Cotton lint was sourced through the sale of a product, and in the case of Physical Better Cotton, retailers and brands can trace their products back to the country of origin of the raw material.
Learn more about the Better Cotton Platform.
There is a growing demand for making Better Cotton traceable, as stakeholders worldwide seek more clarity over the social and environmental challenges associated with the cotton supply chain, and policymakers require businesses to demonstrate greater transparency. This is why Better Cotton introduced a traceability solution at the end of 2023.
The foundation of the traceability solution is set by the new CoC Standard which introduced physical CoC Models alongside Mass Balance. The physical models make it possible to trace Physical Better Cotton back to its country of origin and capture route-to-market data using the Better Cotton Platform.
Read more about Better Cotton’s traceability solution here.
Chain of Custody Guidelines
The Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines set out our requirements for organisations across the supply chain that are buying or selling Better Cotton or cotton-containing products as Better Cotton.
The Guidelines are valid until May 2025, when the Chain of Custody transition period ends and all organisations will need to be adhering to the Chain of Custody Standard v1.0 (see more below).
The guidelines are available in English and Mandarin below, along with a summary of changes and FAQs.
Better Cotton Chain of Custody Guidelines: comparison of V1.3 with V1.4
588.06 KBChain of Custody Guidelines v1.4
421.64 KBFAQs on the Chain of Custody Guidelines V1.4
148.23 KB
Chain of Custody Standard
The Better Cotton Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard v1.0 is a revised version of the Chain of Custody Guidelines, published in May 2023. All Better Cotton organisations have until May 2025 to adhere to the CoC Standard, no matter which CoC models they are implementing.
More information and guidance on how to transition to the CoC Standard can be found from this page.
The CoC Standard is currently available in English, Uzbek and Mandarin below, with translations to other languages soon to be added to this page.
Better Cotton Chain of Custody Standard v1.0
1.57 MBBetter Cotton Chain of Custody: Comparison of CoC Guidelines v1.4 with CoC Standard v1.0
115.18 KBFAQs on the Chain of Custody Guidelines V1.4
148.23 KBBetter Cotton Chain of Custody Public Consultation: Summary of Feedback
8.80 MB
Supply Chain Monitoring and Audits
For further information about Better Cotton supply chain monitoring and useful templates for reporting purposes, please see the documents below.
Overview of Supply Chain Monitoring for the Chain of Custody Guidelines v1.4
166.63 KBChain of Custody Guidelines v1.4 Ginner Monitoring Template
265.66 KBChain of Custody Guidelines v1.4 Supply Chain Audit Reporting Template
279.80 KB